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About Us

the restaurant

on the corner

There had always been a small restaurant at the “Corner” in Riverside, Missouri, but before 1983 it had changed names and hands several times. Many of the locals wanted to see a return to the old-style cafe that had existed there years before and was an icon of its time (Reese’s Cafe). Enter Ed and Kathi Rule. They had never been in the restaurant business before, but always felt they knew what good food was all about.

It began on May 15, 1983, when they opened a little 40-seat cafe that served breakfast and lunch, Monday through Friday. The CORNER CAFE was born. There was a lot of learning in those first couple years. New items were introduced as daily specials written on the front windows and inside on the chalkboard. The counter became the center of the action. “The Riverside Liar’s Club” took up the large round table by the counter and became the place to find out all the local happenings in town. It didn’t take long for the locals to notice. Then, as word spread, more and more people would call, asking for directions. It was obvious that expansion was needed.

restaurant landmark item

When Harley Davidson announced the building of a manufacturing plant in the Kansas City area, Ed asked long-time customer Marvin Enochs if he could find him a Harley Davidson sign or piece of memorabilia that could be hung in the restaurant. Marvin offered to loan Ed his 1926 Harley Davidson motorcycle to display in the restaurant. It became a popular conversation piece for customers and eventually, Ed convinced Marvin to sell it to him. When the Liberty, Missouri location was opened, Marvin helped Ed find another motorcycle to purchase for that location. Today, each location has an antique motorcycle in it as a testament to that great friendship. And, when Marvin passed on, his estate allowed Ed to purchase Marvin’s favorite motorcycle, an Indian Scout, that is also on display at our Riverside location.

First the weekends, then dinner, then two expansions that doubled the seating. For many it became a home away from home . . . it was like an extended family. People would come in every day, some several times a day! People would bring in pictures and items to hang on the walls, and they shared their lives with us as we shared our livelihood with them.

The original cafe had occupied a location that had lasted more than 50 years as a restaurant. It was painfully obvious that modernization was needed. Careful consideration was taken while designing the new CORNER CAFE. They had to make certain that they didn’t alienate the longtime customer, while trying to attract new customers. The new CORNER CAFE opened on December 6, 1994, built on the traditions of the original.

The fireplace came from the foundation of the old family farmhouse. The windmill came from their father’s farm. The pictures on the wall tell about their family history as well as that of the surrounding community. The counter, the round table, the food, and the service were all fashioned to re-create what people had come to expect from the original restaurant. Today, we continue the traditions that started back in 1983. We strive to provide the best products, the best service, and the best value in an atmosphere that makes you feel like you’re part of the family. Our family.

Corner Cafe

through the years


Farming and Gardening
Years of farming and large summer gardens have provided the roots for our love of the land and appreciation of fresh food.

May 15, 1983
Ed and Kathi opened a small 40-seat cafe that served breakfast and lunch, Monday through Friday.

Daily Specials
New items were introduced as daily specials written on the front windows and inside on the chalkboard.

Kathi has always enjoyed collecting chickens and in the early days of Corner Cafe began decorating with them.

Fried Chicken
One of the first specials at Corner Cafe was an “All U Can Eat Chicken Dinner.”

Always Cooking
Kathi and Ed were always trying out new recipes.

Modernization Needed
The building needed modernization after more than 50 years as a restaurant. A decision was made to build a new Corner Cafe based on the traditions of the old.
Spring 1994

As the new building was drafted, stones from the foundation of the old family farmhouse were selected for the fireplace.
Summer 1994

Look around the front porch to see where Jennifer kicked off construction by placing her name in the concrete.
Fall 1994

For many years, a windmill stood on the farm of Kathi’s family. In 1994, that windmill was moved to the Riverside, Missouri location as a reminder of their farming roots. And when the Liberty location was built, one was included there also.
Nov 1994

Installing the Windmill
Moving the windmill from the family farm to its current location at the Riverside restaurant was quite a challenge.
Dec 6, 1994

A Rainbow of Promise
A rainbow gave us some assurance that the opening of a new Corner Cafe in December 1994 had promise.

Saying Good-Bye to the Old
Once the new Corner Cafe was opened in 1994, the original was torn down. The front door that welcomed customers over the years was one of the last sections to fall.
May 12, 2004

A New Part of our Family
On May 12, 2004, we opened our location in Liberty, MO.
Dec 17, 2008

Our Expanded Family
On December 17, 2008, we again expanded our family to include our Independence location.
Community Partners

We love to see the work that our customers do in their communities through schools, scouts, youth athletics, faith-based organizations and non-profits. We are blessed to be able to partner with a few of those many groups who are making a difference each day.

Our team partners with local police departments to raise money for Special Olympics each year.

We have provided support for Feed Northland Kids.

Corner Cafe has participated in events for the Riverside, MO Fire Police Athletic League who uses educational, athletic and recreational activities to create a positive relationship between youth and members of the Police and Fire departments.

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